Steps to install elm327 bluetooth scanner on Windows System.
STEP 1: Locate Your Cars Diagnostics Connector.

The 16-pin diagnostic link connector (DLC) should be located in the passanger or driver’s compartment, under the steering wheel.
STEP 2: Turn ON Car Ignition and Then Plug in ELM327 Bluetooth Scan Tool into Cars Port

FIRST Turn ON cars ignition (one position before engine starts). And then…
Plug ELM327 Bluetooth scanner into cars connector.
STEP 3: Add ELM327 Bluetooth Scanner

Double-click the icon in the system tray.
The window will appear “bluetooth devices”:

Click “Add”.
* This part only applies to Windows XP.
The “Add Bluetooth Device Wizard will appear:

Check the “My Device is set up and ready to be found” check box, then click the “Next” button.
The Wizard will search for and display Bluetooth devices within range:

Click on “CAN OBDII” (may also show up as “CBT”). Then click “Next”.
You’ll be asked to enter your passkey:

Windows XP:
Select “Use the passkey found in the documentation“.
Windows Vista/7/8:
Select “Enter the device’s pairing code”
Enter: 6789
Then click “Next”.
If “6789” doesn’t work, then try “1234” or “0000”.
The Wizard will connect to the scan tool:

* This part only applies to Windows XP.
Once it’s setup, the wizard will display the COM port numbers:

Write down the number of the Outgoing COM port. You will need it later to configure the diagnostics software.
Now you can successfully use any OBD2 diagnostics software!
And it should read your cars data.
Learn More: ELM327 OBD2 Bluetooth WIFI Interface For iPhone Android