This post will share with the guide of Vpecker E4 Phone diagnostic scanner include software activation, download software and software management. Here we go.
1.Vpecker E4 APP Software Activation
At first, please keep network working. Run VPECKER E4 APP, then click “IDUTEX Store” to get applications.
Please click “OK”.
Please click “IDUTEX Store”.
Please enter the S/N number and password get from the envelope, and then click “ ”.
Please click “ ”.
If the product is not activated, please click “Yes”.
Please input your information, the Email address and country are required, and then click “Activate”.
Your email address must be real in order to get the activated link and the further better service from the manufacturer. The software update reminder and the new product release information will be sent to your email.
If you do not receive the activation email, please add”” to the white list of your mailbox and try the activation process again.
Company name: company name must be filled in and the length is within 250 characters.
Country: please choice your country in the list.
Please click the link to get the confirmation from the manufacturer.
2.Vpecker E4 APP Software Download
After the activation, please login the IDUTEX store again, and get the APPs upgrade.
Please, click “ ” to download the software.
There are three modes for downloading, one by one and one-click. It may take a long time to download all the software, due to customers’ network speed reason. Please wait patiently.
Please, click the button“ ” to select vehicle software you want to download, and click the button “
” to download one by one.
Or click the “” to select all modle, and click the button “
” to do one-click download.
3.Vpecker E4 APP Software Management
Users can delete vehicle software here. You can delete one by one or all-selected delete.
Please, click the button“” to select the software you want to delete, and click the button”
” to delete.
Or click the”” to select all Apps, and click the button “
” to do one-click delete.
4. Vpecker E4 APP Software Introduction
Run VPECKER E4?The screen will show:
If you have more questions about this Vpercker E4 phone diagnostic scanner, here is a user manual for you: